Friday 20 April 2012

Night-Bringer = LAD!

Well, I've just come to the realization that i haven't posted in some time, so i feel the need to post in an attempt to keeping my momentum going! that being said, this is only going to be a quick post...

So recently I've been devoting my entire life to the hobby... hardcore i know... having gotten back into painting and modeling etc. I'm now starting to get back into the whole gaming side of things, although i seem to get consistently flattened with my squishy empire army, leading me to purchase an ogre kingdoms battalion.. against the warnings and protests of my friends. But i digress..

So recently i played a 40k game.. for the first time in many many years...  and, much to my surprise (and amusement) i absolutely destroyed my friends space marine army using my old necrons.  Now, without a doubt the 'man of the match' was my night-bringer.. who we realised halfway through the game couldn't even be wounded by half the models in my oppositions army, let alone killed. To celebrate this fantastic show of power (cutting through dreadnoughts and terminators like they were made of plastic... see what i did there..) i decided to dedicate this post to him.

I have to preface this by saying that it is still very much a W.I.P.. (to use my cool street lingo) .. the only thing I've really done is the base, i haven't even started on the rest of the model.
So, having had this model for years, and loving it, i decided to strip all the paint and give it the paint job it truly deserves.. but not content to merely repaint it, i decided to do something cooler with the base.. which has been the one part of the model that i felt was underwhelming... i mean, why are there scarab beetles coming out of a rock-like-thing? just why!?

So i decided it would be infinitely cooler if he was bursting out of the ground, revealing a pool of lava beneath (not that he cares, being a god and that). So i got to work with the poly-filler, adding some bits of slate that i snapped of my mums water feature (she'll kill me when she notices), painted it with some quick dry-brushing of different shades of Grey and voila..       

This is probably a better picture, showing a more 'zoomed in' view of the base. I plan to paint some 'source lighting type thing' on the cape.. to show that its right next to molten lava.. which should be interesting, but fun..

Let me know what you think of it so far..

Well.. this didn't turn out to be such a short post afterall...

I'll try to post more pics of this model when it's finished, but at the moment I'm working on so many different things, inc. deffcopters, an oger army, the new empire witch hunter, and my own war altar (which i think i mentioned in the last post) so i'll get cracking and post lots of more things!! so watch this blog!!