Sunday 1 June 2014

Helms deep- Light at the end of the tunnel

SO... admittedly, very few posts as per usual but lots and lots of progress with helms deep, so swings and roundabouts. The project is now approaching completion, with most of the main structures finished and ready for painting (which should happen this week). This post will largely be a long list of pictures from different stages of the build, so if you have any questions about how it was built then just leave a comment.   

 In order to solve the problem i was having with the arches i scoured ebay and found the Hirst Arts Gothic Additional Accessories Mold #44

With which you can also cast these doors :)

 The inner wall under construction... i later used cardboard spacers to support the wall (in a similar way to the deeping wall sections).

 Inside the walls there is enough space for a wotr company to move around.

 The three decorative pillars were later cut to size.

Making the Gate.

A cardboard strip was used as a base for the floor.

Once dry, these gaps were filled with polyfilla.

After raiding the fish tank, the damaged wall section is almost finished.

Still in construction... the tower is slowly growing.

Its all coming together :)

After the pollyfilla.

Just another angle... i got abit picture happy.

Building the mountain... i used cork tiles for the base/sides.

landscaping... polystyrene makes up most of the base.
A newspaper core was covered with plaster bandages and then hard plaster was poured/brushed over the top.
Spray painted black for an undercoat, ready for painting.
man-made-mountains.... newspaper is used for the core of the mountain.

 And that's the project to date. I still need to raise the height of the tower, pollyfilla the floor of the keep, construct the stairs in the courtyard, create another couple of mountains, the causeway and the bases... not to mention all the painting.. so quite a bit.. but its getting there.

Feel free to comment. :)