Monday 26 March 2012

The army so far..

I have been promising myself and my loyal fan base (thank you both) that I'll upload another post and today i shall finally deliver!

Being a fairly new blog, i figured it would be a good idea to show what my empire army looks like so far. Fortunately for me although i bought the army secondhand, almost all of it was unpainted... so i didn't have to spend hours removing the paint before applying my own. 

First up we have my artillery...

The middle model is infact a minor conversion, which i would love to claim to be my own but was actually done by a friend..  its difficult to see in this picture, but he's been positioned so he's sitting on a box, with green stuff used to fill in the resulting gap between his torso and body - very nice indeed...

 I wanted the artillery pieces to look well used... so i used washes of watered-down chaos black over a base coat of brazen brass, an effect i liked alot, so you'll notice that it gets used on a number of my models. For the pieces below i also used water-down hawk turquoise, to make it look like aged brass...

The handgunners were the first fantasy models i bought.. and so, as i had nothing else to paint at the time, i was able to spend a fair amount of time on them, which is why they're probably the best painted so far... 

I want to get ALOT more of these.. so i can kill as much of the enemy as possible before they get close enough to flatten me in close combat...

Excuses time-
The swordsmen are probably my worst painted so far, as they were very rushed. With the easter holidays coming up and with it the promise of many games.. i am desperately trying to get my army painted to at least a basic gaming standard, which means the rank and file don't get as much attention as the more attention grabbing models. I intend to revisit them at some point in the not too distant future and tidy them up and add abit more detail etc.

For the shields, i wanted to make them look like the Spartans shields from the film 300 and so i painted them the same way as the cannon and mortar. The beauty of it is that it looks good and only took about 10 minutes to do the shields for the entire unit.

All of the models i've finished so far have been based in the same way... First i glue sand and small stones/pieces slate to the bases... then i paint this a dark grey (i mix my own) and drybrush over this with a lighter grey... next i use a brown wash, to add abit of colour variation to the earth and make it look less 'flat'... then i rub some PVA glue onto the base with my finger (this makes it more random, and look more natural) and sprinkle on some Citadel snow.. finally i use some watered down PVA glue to seal it all in.. so far none of the snow has fallen fallen off, but only time will tell.

The final model is a W.I.P... the basics are there but with this model i want to put in some real time and effort. (Even if he is going to spend most games sitting back in one of the artillery crews)

Recently I've been working on my white wolf knights and a unit of halberdiers, so i should have the knights up fairly soon (I'm trying something slightly fancier with the bases, so their taking abit longer). I've also just ebay myself some bits, which I'm going to need for my war altar that I'm making pretty much from scratch.. so stay tuned..

As always, comments are more than welcome.

Saturday 10 March 2012

And soo it begins...

SO.. i just got back into the hobby, and agreed to start playing LOTR again. After a few games and some new Haradrim purchases :D my mates began to pester me to start collecting fantasy (first time for everything)

So eventually i relented, and bought an empire army from said mate and with a few additions of my own, courtesy of ebay (Knights and Handgunners) i had the makings a decent force. It should be noted that this decision to collect fantasy was on the strict condition that i did not, under any circumstances, start collecting 40k again.. i've been down that road before and it ended up being rather expensive.

So naturally i'm now collecting necrons and orks to complete the list..

Cue facepalm.

Anyway.. the punchline is i'll be posting models from all of those on here.. i know, aren't i just the best.. i just keep on giving!

The first lot are Beastmen minotaurs, which i painted for a friend who started fantasy at the same time as me..
once properly based i think they should look pretty cool.. but let me know what you think! :D

Sorry about the fingers in the pictures.. these were taken by my mate.. as i go on i'll probably sort out some method to take better quality pictures, we'll see..

I'll be posting lots more soon, i'm pretty much constantly painting atm.. to the despair of my uni lecturers :/