Thursday 28 June 2012

Maneater conversions- Tribal ogre

Well, with this unemployment comes more modeling madness, specifically more ogre maneaters. Being a crafty whatsit however i'm going to blog them individually- so that i don't have one HUGE post and then nothing for a few months- you'll just have to deal with the installments.

unlike the last conversion, this one is actually completely my own creation (from ideas to modeling), although i have no doubt that someone somewhere has probably done this already.

The idea was for a tribal, almost native American ogre.. hence the headdress and the tomahawk. The advantage of this particular conversion is that he can also be used as the musician for my Maneater unit...

This ogre was actually very easy to make... and only involved a minor amount of greenstuff work. It was simply a case of modeling a headband and some feathers (although as this was the first time i've tried this.. i'm be interested to see how they will look painted).. and creating a tomahawk out of and ogre sword and a banner pole from the ogre bulls kit.

Despite its simpleness, i like it.. and plan to paint him covered in tribal tattoos to really complete the look!

Things to look forward to.. i have finished two more maneaters and painted my empire witch hunter!.. so expect another post next week sometime..  

In the meantime, let me know what you think.. comments and criticisms are always welcome!

Monday 18 June 2012

Maneater conversions- 1st of many.. The Shaman

As i mentioned before i've been working on converting my ogre bulls, from the battalion set, into Maneaters!
The finished unit will include 6 and i want them to be as diverse and characterful as possible ... i want them to look like they have traveled and fought in many different lands.

The design for the first one i cannot take credit for.. the original was made by 'Lew_b81' over at warseer...  .. I've found that although i am capable of doing the conversions i struggle to come up with good ideas to make cool looking miniatures.. so for now I'm stealing them..

I thought Lew_b81's truth-sayer/shaman ogre was awesome, in fact i thought all of his ogres were awesome.. so i'd definitely recommend checking them out! 

As you can see it basically involved reshaping his right arm, using greenstuff to sculpt a new shoulder and the muscles in the arm... so that he had his staff (a tomb kings banner with the skull from the ogre bulls standard .. minus the horns.. and a gorgons earings).. resting on his neck. and a big ass rock on his back held on by a greenstuff belt-type-thing.

Getting the rock right was actually alot harder than i was expecting.. and in the end i decided the best way was to not be a perfectionist and to just attack it with a pair of clippers and see what happens.. also it very easy to forget how small these models are ..(even ogres).. and so it took a while to get it looking proportioned.

Rather annoyingly.. i spent a long time sculpting the muscles on his right am only to have them covered later by the straps.. but nevermind.. overall i'm very happy with it and will come up with some ideas of my own.. i've already started a native red Indian ogre which i came up with the concept for, so hopefully i'll get that uploaded soon..

in the meantime, feel free to comment...
if you have any ideas for cool maneaters let me know.. I'm thinking pirate, cowboy, boxer, maybe a skyrim related one... who knows..

Monday 11 June 2012


Well I've finally finished uni now and as a result i have lots of free time to waste.. which is great news for my warhammer armies!

I finished painting my witch hunter a few weeks ago but haven't got any pictures of it yet so that will have to feature in a later post.. i have however got a few pics of my first completed ogre models, two leadbelchers.

After play testing a few lists, these guys don't actually appear in my army anymore but i liked the models and they may find a place at 2000pts. (we'll see)...

 I recently purchased some army painter products (strong tone, dark tone, Matt varnish,white primer, some paints and some 'tufts') and so have been experimenting with all of them. I'm already a big fan of the quick shade dips and the tufts but was less satisfied with the white primer.. it is very thick and so you have to pay alot of attention and lightly dust the models with the primer.. other than that it works fine, but i'm a lazy guy and prefer games workshops primers which are much thinner.    

The quick shade dips i really can't recommend enough.. and although some may consider it to be cheating, they are great at getting an army painted to a decent standard quickly!

I'll upload more pics when i have time. In the meantime I'm working on converting Ogre bulls in Maneaters, as although i love the models i don't want to spend £90 in order to get 6... i've already made 2 of them and have a few pics so will upload them later in the week.

as always, comments are criticisms are welcome!